Parameter |
Description |
Count_threshold |
[if detect_close_obstacles_with_ir=true] Number of pixels with IR value > IR_threshold to send the Reactive Module a warning (something may be close) |
detect_close_obstacles_with_ir |
If enable, points with IR value > IR_threshold will increase the counter of high_ir_px (see Count_threshold param) |
discard_high_ir_points |
If enable, all points with IR value > IR_threshold will be discarded in the depth measurements (to avoid spurious due to light sources) |
Downsample |
Use it to consider coarser images (computationally lighter). It must be integer |
floor_limit |
Points detected with height < floor_limit will be considered as floor and discarded as obstacles |
IR_threshold |
Infrared threshold to consider a point affected by an IR light source |
max_depth |
The max depth (m) the camera is able to detect |
min_depth |
The minimum depth (m) the camera is able to detect |
New_sensor |
Indicates the type of RGBD camera: TRUE=PrimeSense or Asus, FALSE=Kinect |
Opengl_scene |
Whether or not to display an opengl scene with the detected obstacles (used for debug) |
pose_pitch |
The pitch angle (degrees) of the camera on the robot (-80,80) (something logical...) |
pose_roll |
The roll angle (degrees) of the camera on the robot (-90,90) |
pose_x |
The X position (m) of the camera on the robot |
pose_y |
The Y position (m) of the camera on the robot |
pose_yaw |
The yaw angle (degrees) of the camera on the robot (-180,180) |
pose_z |
The Z position (m) of the camera on the robot |
Res_height |
Camera resolution(px) - Shared for depth and infrared images (240 or 480). Only used if New_sensor == true |
Res_width |
Camera resolution(px) - Shared for depth and infrared images (320 or 640). Only used if New_sensor == true |