Parameter |
Description |
advectionFreq |
The frequency (Hz) advection is simulated |
default_wind_direction |
The default value of the wind direction (rad) on each Grid cell |
default_wind_speed |
The default value of the wind speed (m/s) on each Grid cell |
enableSaveAs3DObject |
Indicates (true/false) if the map can be saved as a 3D Object |
insert_from_rawlog |
Indicates if data (observations) comes from a rawlog file or online |
The frequency in Ticks to save to log_file. Refer to the general AppTick(Hz) of each OpenMORA module. |
The directory where the log_files and scenes will be generated |
mapType |
The type of map to generate.In general the mapType must be a mrpt::slam::CGasConcentrationGridMap2D::TMapRepresentation,but additionally it can be "MobileMap" which creates two maps (a my_map covering all the experimental area of type KalmanApproximate and a fixed size mobile_map moving over the my_map) |
max_x |
The initial my_map dimensions [m] |
max_y |
The initial my_map dimensions [m] |
min_x |
The initial my_map dimensions [m] |
min_y |
The initial my_map dimensions [m] |
rawlog_path |
The path to the rawlog_file |
resolution |
The gascell side length (meters) (must be small for mapType = mrKernelDM) |
Indicates if the maps should be saved as 3Dscenes |
STD_increae_value |
The increased value (normalized units) to apply to the kf_std of each cell from the my_map |
std_windNoise_mod |
The std to consider on wind information measurements (module) |
std_windNoise_phi |
The std to consider on wind information measurements (angle) |
use_metricmap_information |
Indicates for GMRF models, whether a metric map is considered when building the MRF. |
useWindInformation |
Indicates (true/false) if wind information is available for advection simulation |