Parameter |
Description |
agiro_f2_len |
Angular speed (deg/s) to approach the pattern when it's too close (<distancia_parada) |
agiro_f2_rap |
Angular speed (deg/s) to approach the pattern in phase 2 |
agiro_mover |
Angular speed (deg/s) to approach the pattern |
debug |
If it is true, a wxwindow is displayed with the location of the pattern |
distancia_comprobacion |
//max error (cm) to consider a point as part of the line containing the three sub-patterns |
distancia_corte |
Max depth difference (cm) between points to consider them as part of the same line (subpattern) |
distancia_parada |
Distance to the pattern (cm) to slow down the robot movement |
laserVar |
The name of the OpenMora variable from which to get the scans. |
lon_aux1i |
min separation between patterns 1 and 2 |
lon_aux1s |
max separation between patterns 1 and 2 |
lon_aux2i |
min separation between patterns 2 and 3 |
lon_aux2s |
max separation between patterns 2 and 3 |
lon_sp1i |
Min width of the first stick |
lon_sp1s |
Max width of the first stick |
lon_sp2i |
Min width of the second stick |
lon_sp2s |
Max width of the second stick |
lon_sp3i |
Min width of the thrid stick |
lon_sp3s |
Max width of the third stick |
longitud_total_patron |
The total length of the pattern (cm), from first to third stick |
v_lineal_f2_len |
Linear speed (m/s) to approaach the pattern when it's too close (<distancia_parada) |
v_lineal_f2_rap |
Liner speed (m/s) to approach the pattern in phase 2 |
v_lineal_mover |
Linear speed (m/s) to approach the pattern |